
About Us


Greetings :-
Our companies ((AL-Mizan universal company for general Contracting)) and our partner ((AL-Salsal company for general Contracting – first class)) and ((Nassem AL-khadhra' company for general Contracting – first class)) presents its compliments and we wish to accept this message and we are pleased to offer to you a brief summary of most important activities . 
1-    Contributed our coalition with the managers of combined companies to engage with companies in the design , implementation and establishment of many projects for the benefit of public and private sector included roads , bridges , dams and integrated health canters included stores of medicines and medical supplies , fire automatic alarm systems and security monitoring system as well as many of concrete works for roads and sewers and other during the period from (1995) to the extent of the date of this letter , the company has evolved towards the human capabilities and technical so we own plants for asphalt and concrete planets , as well as a wide variety of machines that fall within their needs .
2-    We have a technical  staff and scientific degrees in the business of construction and civil engineers and architects , electricians , mechanics and systems control engineers in various scientific degrees , as well as our staff has accumulated experience in the field of construction and concert  works and other .
3-    Through accumulated experience our coalition become with the level of international companies due to accumulated experience and capabilities and all of this qualifies us to engage in any substantial work regardless of the cost .
We hope that our message is the beginning of the continuous and constrictive    cooperation … thankful for acceptance of our message and we appreciate your understanding for it .

Ibrahim Hammad Gadhban / and his partners